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Metadata guide in Next js 13

Metadata guide in Next js 13

July 25, 2023

Nader Elmahdy

Nader Elmahdy

Take my knowledge and shove it up your brain...

Next 13 introduced a new way to optimize your metadata, here's what you need to know

Next js

Unlike in Next js 12 where you'd have a head component that contains your metadata, Next js 13 has a different way to add metadata.

Static pages

Generating metadata for static pages can simply be done by exporting an object called metadata and providing your page data.


1export const metadata = {
2  metadataBase: new URL(""),
3  title: "page title",
4  description: "page description",
5  openGraph: {
6    title: "page title",
7    type: "website",
8    locale: "en_US",
9    url: "",
10    siteName: "site name",
11    images: [
12      {
13        url: "your site logo",
14        width: 800,
15        height: 600,
16        alt: "site name",
17      },
18    ],
19  },

Dynamic pages

Dynamic pages have a bit different way to generate metadata.

If you don't know what dynamic pages are, let's say I have some products and each product has its own page (/products/[id]/page.tsx).

page.tsx is a dynamic page.


1export async function generateMetadata({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) {
2  try {
3    const product = await prisma.product.findUnique({
4      where: { id: },
5    });
6    if (!product)
7      return { title: "Not found", description: "This product does not exist" };
8    return {
9      title: product?.Title,
10      description: product?.Description,
11      alternates: {
12        canonical: `products/${product?.id}`,
13      },
14      twitter: {
15        card: "summary_large_image",
16        site: "@naderexpress",
17        title: product?.Title,
18        description: product?.Description,
19        images: [product?.mainImg || ""],
20      },
21      openGraph: {
22        title: product?.Title,
23        images: [
24          {
25            url: product?.mainImg || "",
26            width: 800,
27            height: 600,
28          },
29        ],
30      },
31    };
32  } catch (error) {
33    return {
34      title: "Not found",
35      description: "This product does not exist",
36    };
37  }

It's straightforward, you can just copy-paste the above codes and modify them.


Sitemap is very important for SEO as well, here's how to do it:

in your app folder, create a sitemap.ts file.

The sitemap file should generate routes for all the dynamic pages, in my case I have products and categories, so my code looks something like this:


1import { prisma } from "@/lib/prisma";
2export default async function getSitemap() {
3  const baseUrl = "";
4  const products = await prisma.product.findMany({
5    select: {
6      Title: true,
7    },
8  });
9  const productsUrls =
10 => {
11      return {
12        url: `${baseUrl}/product/${product.Title}`,
13        changefreq: "weekly",
14        priority: 0.7,
15        lastModified: new Date().toISOString(),
16      };
17    }) ?? [];
18  const categories = await prisma.category.findMany({
19    select: {
20      label: true,
21    },
22  });
23  const categoriesUrls =
24 => {
25      return {
26        url: `${baseUrl}/category/${category.label}`,
27        changefreq: "weekly",
28        priority: 0.7,
29        lastModified: new Date().toISOString(),
30      };
31    }) ?? [];
32  return [
33    {
34      url: baseUrl,
35      changefreq: "weekly",
36      priority: 1,
37      lastModified: new Date().toISOString(),
38    },
39    ...productsUrls,
40    ...categoriesUrls,
41  ];

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